Four Traits of Leaders

Pastor Crawford Loritts examines what the Bible distinctively teaches about leadership and shares four traits that every great man or woman of God had in common.


Download a summary of Crawford Loritts' message here, listen here, or read his entire message below.

Pastor Crawford Loritts: I have something very heavy on my heart tonight. Nancy asked me to speak on this. The whole issue of leadership as an identity is a big, big issue.

Nothing ever happens in ministry apart from these three things—I don’t care how smart you are, how insightful you are, how gifted you are—nothing ever happens in ministry apart from these three things: faith, prayer, and a person to lead.

You can have the greatest ideas in the world, but nothing of God ever happens in ministry apart from faith, prayer, and a person to lead. That’s His method.

Whenever you don’t have those three things, you don’t have distinctively Christian leadership. You have no ventures from God.

I’m going to talk about two of those three …

About the Speaker

Crawford Loritts

Crawford Loritts

Crawford Loritts is founder and president of “Beyond Our Generation,” a ministry committed to encouraging, mentoring, and helping to shape the next generation of Christian leaders. He has written numerous books, and has preached the gospel around the world since 1972.