Strengthening Your Faith

Pastor Crawford Loritts shares seven keys to strengthening your faith—both as a believer and a leader in ministry. He digs into the essence of what faith is—and what it’s not—and challenges us to believe God even when others have a difficult time doing that.


Pastor Crawford Loritts: Faith is a verb even when it’s a noun. The Christian life presupposes movement. Henry Blackaby is famous for saying, “You can’t go with God and stay where you are.” And that’s true. There’s constant moving; the clock is ticking; the calendar is going by. The assumption is that you’re going somewhere; you’re doing something; you’re becoming more than what you were yesterday.

Faith is driven into the DNA of Christianity. There is no Christianity—none—apart from faith. Christianity is not just a series of beliefs. It’s not a series of creeds. It’s not just a series of discussions and understanding. The very nature of Christianity presupposes movement. Discipleship means to be a follower of Christ. So you can’t say that you’re a Christian unless there’s faith.

Paul put it very succinctly in Colossians 2:6: “As you have therefore received Christ Jesus the Lord, so walk in Him.” …


Scripture References

  • Hebrews 11:1-6

About the Speaker

Crawford Loritts

Crawford Loritts

Crawford Loritts is founder and president of “Beyond Our Generation,” a ministry committed to encouraging, mentoring, and helping to shape the next generation of Christian leaders. He has written numerous books, and has preached the gospel around the world since 1972.