Grounded in the Presence of God

We all cling to someone or something. Kim Cash Tate shows us the only One truly worth clinging to, as we are “Grounded in the Presence of God.”

Running Time: 42 minutes


Kim Cash Tate: The stories that stand out in my mind of being shaken and needing to be grounded in the presence of God have to do with parenting my kids. Through the years—my kids are now in their twenties, but maybe some of you can identify—different things have come up that have been challenging, painful, and just plain hard. 

I have always said that for me, parenting is the hardest job. People post stories on social media about perfect family dynamics . . . you’ve seen those. I don’t know anything about that! But what I do know is the Lord has been faithful to use those challenging times to cultivate a close relationship between me and Him. 

That’s what I pray that you take away. As much as you may be dealing with in your world, it can also be the sweetest intimate time between you and the …

About the Speaker

Kim Cash Tate

Kim Cash Tate

Kim Cash Tate is an author, Bible teacher, singer/songwriter, and creator of a scripted web series. She has written several books, including Cling: Choosing a Lifestyle of Intimacy with God. She and her husband, Bill, have two adult children and make their home in St. Louis, Missouri.