Called to Lead?

Do you struggle with knowing what is the best investment of your time and energy as you lead and serve the women in your church? Explore the marks of a gospel-centered women's ministry.


Linda Green: I am Linda Green. I am the Director of Women's Ministry at the Arlington Heights campus of The Orchard, just ten minutes down the road. I am very grateful to be so close to where this conference is held.

I would like to just start, before I pray, by getting a little bit of a feel for who you are. How many of you are currently serving women in your local church? Oh, that's wonderful! How many of you just started that? Excellent! And how many of you have been doing it for a long time? Okay, very good!

Our subject today is "women leading women in the local church." Before we start, I'd like to open in prayer.

O, Father, as women who have been called to lead other women, we greatly feel our dependence upon You. We recognize, Lord, that this is not something we can …



About the Speaker

Linda Green

Linda Green

Linda Green is the coauthor of He Gives More Grace with her daughter, Sarah Walton. The thirty-day devotional offers biblical hope, encouragement, and wisdom for mothers. Linda is married to Ray and is a mother to three grown children.