
Prayer: Moving Ministry from Powerless to Powerful

Are you witnessing supernatural results in your ministry to women? Learn how to develop a culture of prayer in your women's ministry, and then stand back and watch God do the impossible.


Leslie Bennett: Well, it's so encouraging to me personally to see God stirring women's hearts to pray. It truly is a passion of mine. And a few months ago, I was reminded of the power of three little words, "Praying for you." I was in the kitchen, and I had an accident involving a vegetable slicer. Ever had one of those? And a great deal of blood was involved. I won't go into all the details with you. But after a trip to the emergency room, I was bandaged back up and was healing. And I was so encouraged and strengthened by so many women in my church who through a text or email or phone call would say, "I'm praying for you." Aren't those the most encouraging words that you can hear? Praying for you.

And so as we begin, what I want you to do is just stand …



About the Speaker

Leslie Bennett

Leslie Bennett

Leslie Bennett has led Women’s Ministry in two local churches, and serves on the Revive Our Hearts ministry team. She connects with women’s leaders around the world in the Revive Our Hearts Leader Facebook Group and as host of online training events. A teacher at heart, she is devoted to training and discipling the next generation to treasure Christ above all. Leslie and her husband Mac live in S.C. where she loves spending time with family, and admiring Lowcountry sunsets.