The Principles: Why We Counsel from the Bible

We’ll look at the sources of our troubles and God's answer to them, ancient answers found in His immutable Word and lived out in the context of loving ministry.

Running Time: 62 minutes


Elyse Fitzpatrick: Heavenly Father, we thank You. We come to You, Lord, first of all repenting that we so often preach ourselves, we so often think that it's up to us, we so often think that we should have the glory. As Paul said, we are glory robbers. We pray, Lord, that You would help us. Please help us to continue to follow hard after You. And in all the ways that we fail to do so, would You please continue to encourage us and give us hope and faith to believe that You are in fact using broken people to help broken people. May we never put ourselves up as the hero but that we may always be pointing to the hero, our sweet Savior, Jesus Christ. Amen.

I'm going to read to you from 2 Timothy 3. Let me just start off by saying just a little bit …



About the Speaker

Elyse Fitzpatrick

Elyse Fitzpatrick

Elyse Fitzpatrick has a Master's Degree in Biblical Counseling and is the author of sixteen books, as well as being a frequent retreat and conference speaker. She and her husband, Phil, make their home in Southern California and have three children and six grandchildren.