
38 Results

Ditch the Baggage: Marks of Genuine Repentance | Revive '19 | Events

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Mary Kassian shows us that the God-given way to deal with unauthorized “baggage” is through repentance.

Discernment and Hope in End-of-Life Dilemmas | True Woman '22 | Events

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This session explores the biblical principles behind end-of-life issues, with emphasis on our hope in Christ even in the face of death.

Grounded in Hope | Revive '21 | Events

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Pastor and radio host Chris Brooks shows us, “The Bible is not a book of myth or make-believe. Instead, it deals with real-world grief.”

Sending Out an S.O.S. | True Woman '12 | Events

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When women refuse to embrace godly femininity, it discourages men from being men. When a nation confuses roles in this way, huge consequences will follow.

Hope and Freedom from the Stranglehold of Despondency | True Woman '14 | Events

How do you find joy in the Lord when your feelings just don't match? Jesus sympathizes with us, and like with all things provides a way of escape.

Jesus, What a Wonderful Name! (Recitation) | True Woman '14 | Events

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Get a fresh sense of wonder at who Jesus is. Nancy Leigh DeMoss weaves together Scripture about Jesus from the psalms, prophets, gospels, and epistles.

Grounded in All Seasons | Revive '21 | Events

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Flourishing means becoming more like Jesus. Hear how we can glorify God and enjoy Him forever in all seasons of life.

Teen Track #1: Four Evidences of Spiritual Freedom | True Woman '14 | Events

Dannah Gresh: I want you to open your Bibles and open your True Woman booklet. Toward the back there are pages for notes, and I want you to take some notes today. I don't have PowerPoint slides for you because I was …

Panel 1: Gender Issues and Sexual Abuse | True Woman '18 | Events

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Is freedom from sin possible in a society infatuated with sexuality? Hear why it’s time to return to the Word of God to find the truth that sets us free.