
45 Results

Teen Track—Truth or Bare | True Woman '08 | Events

There is one topic that pushes a lot of hot buttons, more than any other topic—modesty.

Jabber, Blab, and Gab with Mary | True Woman '14 | Events

Are you curious about how true womanhood works? Just want to pick an older woman's brain? These were live questions for Mary.

When a Loved One Rejects God’s Design | True Woman '22 | Events

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People sometimes confuse two “A” words— “acceptance” and “approval.” Dr. Rosaria Butterfield explains the difference between them.

Your Thought Closet Makeover | True Woman '10 Chattanooga | Events

What we've placed in our thought closets is what we clothe our lives with. Jennifer will help you know what to say to your soul.

Capturing True Beauty in a Photoshopped World | True Woman '14 | Events

In this workshop we will consider God’s definition of beauty and look at how to find our identity in the Lord rather than in the mass media.

Living Out the True Woman Message | True Woman '10 Fort Worth | Events

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What does it look like to live out the True Woman message day by day? Get wise counsel on how to implement God's truth in your life.