
341 Results

Crying Out from a Heart of Brokenness | True Woman '16 | Events

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Discover how acknowledgement of need is something that makes us eligible to receive the grace of God.

A Call to Revival | True Woman '12 | Events

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Pastor Bill Elliff looks at the serious needs of our world today and explains why revival represents true hope.

Grounded in Community | Revive '21 | Events

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Dannah Gresh highlights four qualities of the church in Acts 2, reminding us that we desperately need to be grounded in community.

Grounded in Hope | Revive '21 | Events

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Pastor and radio host Chris Brooks shows us, “The Bible is not a book of myth or make-believe. Instead, it deals with real-world grief.”

Becoming God’s Dwelling Place | Revive '19 | Events

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God tells us all through Scripture that we’re supposed to have the eyes to see that others are fearfully and wonderfully made.

Grounded in the Presence of God | Revive '21 | Events

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We all cling to someone or something. Kim Cash Tate shows us the only One truly worth clinging to, as we are “Grounded in the Presence of God.”

The God of Heaven Rules | True Woman '22 | Events

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Spoken word artist Blair Linne meditates on the comforting truth that there is power and safety in Heaven’s rule.

O God Our Help | Revive '13 | Events

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Nancy shows women how to be instruments of God's grace by laying a foundation for understanding God as our Helper.

The Fast That God Requires | True Woman '14 | Events

You can go through the motions of what you think God requires, but does your obedience flow out of a heart changed by the gospel?