
271 Results

Life in the Spirit | Revive '19 | Events

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Kelly Needham reminds us that lasting transformation comes not as we follow a to-do list, but as we walk with a Person.

Does Jesus Care? | Revive '13 | Events

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If you're going to live a life of faith, you need to be able to answer these two questions: "What is God doing?" and "How in the world should I respond to it?"

Message 9: Passionate About Purity | Revive '17 | Events

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Are you struggling to be pure? Dannah reminds us that we can’t be pure on our own . . . but Jesus can purify us.

A Call to Revival | True Woman '12 | Events

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Pastor Bill Elliff looks at the serious needs of our world today and explains why revival represents true hope.

Message 1: A Woman Adorned and Adorning | Revive '17 | Events

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Listen in as Nancy casts a vision for living out the beauty of the gospel together—with spiritual mothers, daughters, and sisters.

Women Helping Women | Revive '13 | Events

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Women are hurting. They long for older women to get involved in their lives, to listen, to care and to share advice. Are you willing to get involved?

Becoming a Woman of Greater Faith | True Woman '10 Chattanooga | Events

You will not only study the subject, you will learn inductive study skills that will help you become a woman of unshakable faith.

Food Is Not the Enemy: Discover Freedom from Food Fixation | True Woman '22 | Events

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Jesus wants to set us free from our food fixation and lead us into food freedom, a place where we find our fullness and satisfaction in Christ alone.