
342 Results

How to Survive the Ministry (for Pastors' Wives) | True Woman '12 | Events

Research shows that 80 percent of pastors' wives wish their husbands would choose another profession. How can you find joy and peace?

Discernment and Hope in End-of-Life Dilemmas | True Woman '22 | Events

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This session explores the biblical principles behind end-of-life issues, with emphasis on our hope in Christ even in the face of death.

Jabber, Blab, and Gab with Mary | True Woman '14 | Events

Are you curious about how true womanhood works? Just want to pick an older woman's brain? These were live questions for Mary.

God's Faithfulness in Times of Trouble | True Woman '14 | Events

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Nancy Leigh DeMoss unpacks Psalm 107, giving hope to anyone in distress, danger or despondency. She'll help you seek the Lord and be satisfied in Him.

Hope and Freedom from the Stranglehold of Despondency | True Woman '14 | Events

How do you find joy in the Lord when your feelings just don't match? Jesus sympathizes with us, and like with all things provides a way of escape.

Prayer: A Lasting Legacy | True Woman '10 Chattanooga | Events

Join us in learning prayer principles that will change your prayer life and ignite you to pray with confidence for your children and grandchildren.

Teen Track: God Is Not Enough (Lie #1) | True Woman '12 | Events

Erin reveals that sometimes our quest for seeking Him is blocked, but we don't know why. At the root of our struggle, we are often embracing lies.