
271 Results

Teen Track—Lies About Myself | True Woman '08 | Events

God says I'm fearfully and wonderfully made. God says He's held captive by my beauty.

Prayer: A Lasting Legacy | True Woman '08 | Events

What impact will your life have on future generations? Learn principles that will change your prayer life and ignite you to pray for your children.

The Pastor's Wife and Her Family | Revive '11 | Events

Holly shines light on God's perspective, priority, and process for our family relationships.

Cry Out! Simulcast: A Nationwide Prayer Event for Women | True Woman '16 | Events

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September 23 a group of over 100,000 women from around the world cried out to God to revive His people and bring about spiritual awakening in our world.

Marriage Panel: Truth and Hope for Hurting Marriages | True Woman '14 | Events

Whether your marriage is suffering or you desire to minister to those in difficult marriages, you’ll receive encouragement and biblical counsel.

How to Talk to Your Daughter about Gender | True Woman '22 | Events

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If you’re a mom who feels scared and ill-equipped for conversation on gender, you need to know something: you are not alone.

Daddy's Little Girl | True Woman '14 | Events

Is your biological father spiritually, emotionally, or physically absent? Explore how the gospel is able to heal and restore you.

Message 4: Grow Up & Step Up | Revive '17 | Events

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What does older women training younger women have to do with creation, the fall, redemption, and transformation? Everything, says Susan.

Jabber, Blab, and Gab with Mary | True Woman '14 | Events

Are you curious about how true womanhood works? Just want to pick an older woman's brain? These were live questions for Mary.