358 Results
Revive '13 Women Helping Women
A leadership conference for pastors' wives, counselors, ministry leaders, Bible study teachers, small group leaders, and others who serve in women's ministry.
Firm Foundations in a Gender-Fluid World, Part 2 | True Woman '18 | Events
Our culture is awash in confusion and conflicting viewpoints about sexuality.
Firm Foundations in a Gender-Fluid World, Part 1 | True Woman '18 | Events
What is God’s good plan for sex and sexuality? Why does it matter? How are we to think about these things?
Message 6: You Don't Say | Revive '17 | Events
You may not slander others verbally, but has your life slandered or misrepresented the character of God?
Message 1: The Power and Beauty of the Truth | True Woman '18 | Events
Capturing True Beauty in a Photoshopped World | True Woman '14 | Events
In this workshop we will consider God’s definition of beauty and look at how to find our identity in the Lord rather than in the mass media.
Message 3: Don't Give Up on That Modeling Career | Revive '17 | Events
Lean in close as Susan shares four truths she wishes she’d known earlier as well as how to age in grace and dependence on God.
Message 7: At Liberty | Revive '17 | Events
Nancy asks us to examine the task masters in our lives and reminds us that we have been set free to serve a new Master now.
Message 1: A Woman Adorned and Adorning | Revive '17 | Events
Listen in as Nancy casts a vision for living out the beauty of the gospel together—with spiritual mothers, daughters, and sisters.
Grounded in the Presence of God | Revive '21 | Events
We all cling to someone or something. Kim Cash Tate shows us the only One truly worth clinging to, as we are “Grounded in the Presence of God.”