
271 Results

We All Have a Story | True Woman '22 | Events

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The essence of your identity isn’t determined by what’s in your past. It has to do with your new nature, given to you when you turned from sin to Jesus.

Hope and Freedom from the Stranglehold of Despondency | True Woman '14 | Events

How do you find joy in the Lord when your feelings just don't match? Jesus sympathizes with us, and like with all things provides a way of escape.

The Genesis of Gender | True Woman '10 Indianapolis | Events

If we want to figure it out what makes men and women tick, we need to look back to creation and have a look at God's original design.

Living Out the True Woman Message | True Woman '10 Fort Worth | Events

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What does it look like to live out the True Woman message day by day? Get wise counsel on how to implement God's truth in your life.

The Joy of Embracing Biblical Womanhood | True Woman '22 | Events

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Discover the purpose for which God made us women, the awesome beauty of His design, and the joy you can discover when you fully embrace how He created you.

Prayer: A Lasting Legacy | True Woman '10 Chattanooga | Events

Join us in learning prayer principles that will change your prayer life and ignite you to pray with confidence for your children and grandchildren.