
321 Results

Radical Womanhood | True Woman '08 | Events

Carolyn explains her personal journey from feminism to faith and offers practical encouragement to women making the same journey.

A Different Kind of Freedom | True Woman '14 | Events

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Joni Eareckson Tada asked the Lord to set her free from her confinement to a wheelchair. Instead, He gave her a different kind of freedom.

Grounded in Christ | Revive '21 | Events

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We might say Christ is important to us, but how does that truth affect our lives on a daily basis? Nancy points us to Christ.

Jabber, Blab, and Gab with Mary | True Woman '14 | Events

Are you curious about how true womanhood works? Just want to pick an older woman's brain? These were live questions for Mary.

The Woman at the Well | True Woman '12 | Events

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Deep down, everyone is thirsty. People try to quench the thirst in all kinds of ways. Janet Parshall tells of a woman whose thirst was truly satisfied.

Teen Track #3: Jesus Want You to Change the World | True Woman '14 | Events

Erin Davis: Get out your Bibles or your Bible devices. If you read your Bible on your phone or your iPad, that’s great. But there ain’t no “Angry Birds” in Romans, okay? We’re going to be in the book of Matthew. (And …

Teen Track—Truth or Bare | True Woman '08 | Events

There is one topic that pushes a lot of hot buttons, more than any other topic—modesty.

You've Come a Long Way, Baby! | True Woman '08 | Events

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Mary Kassian explores how the philosophy of feminism developed and was integrated into our culture. She shares what true womanhood is all about.