
17 Results

Potential Pitfalls of Ministry | Revive '11 | Events

Being in ministry has many joys, but it also makes us vulnerable to unique pressures. Nancy identifies pitfalls that can cause the Lord's servants to falter.

Cry Out! Simulcast: A Nationwide Prayer Event for Women | True Woman '16 | Events

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September 23 a group of over 100,000 women from around the world cried out to God to revive His people and bring about spiritual awakening in our world.

Prayer: A Lasting Legacy | True Woman '08 | Events

What impact will your life have on future generations? Learn principles that will change your prayer life and ignite you to pray for your children.

Finding Freedom from Fear | True Woman '22 | Events

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Saturated in Scripture, this breakout will explore practical ways to combat fear through praise and worship, praying Scripture.

Your Time in God's Treasures—Cultivating a Meaningful Devotional Life | True Woman '14 | Events

Do you struggle with how to develop intimacy with Christ in your busy life? Learn to seek God’s wisdom the way you would search for hidden treasures.