
341 Results

Finding My Father: How the Gospel Heals the Pain of Fatherlessness | True Woman '22 | Events

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Consider how the gospel helps us cling to our heavenly Father, empowering us to begin the process of healing from the pain of an earthly father who is absent.

Sexuality as a Mission Field | True Woman '22 | Events

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There’s a topic that can be hard or awkward to discuss with others— the whole area of sexuality.

Women's Global Issues: Challenges for Women in Developing Nations | True Woman '10 Chattanooga | Events

We'll look at the health and economic challenges women in the developing world face—sex trafficking, maternal health, fistulas, genital cutting, and more.

Your Time in God's Treasures—Cultivating a Meaningful Devotional Life | True Woman '14 | Events

Do you struggle with how to develop intimacy with Christ in your busy life? Learn to seek God’s wisdom the way you would search for hidden treasures.

Overcoming Lies Leaders Believe Training Event

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Be set free to serve with courage and clarity when you identify and conquer lies that limit your leadership.