
271 Results

Message 6: You Don't Say | Revive '17 | Events

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You may not slander others verbally, but has your life slandered or misrepresented the character of God?

Women's Ministry in the Local Church | True Woman '12 | Events

Is your women's ministry Word-driven or task-driven? What are the biblical foundations for a women's ministry? Here are practical ideas.

Philosophy of Women's Ministry in the Church Panel Discussion | Revive '11 | Events

Nancy Leigh DeMoss: I am here with a few sweet friends, lots of sweet friends, but women who we’ve gotten to know at Revive Our Hearts and True Woman over the last several years who in the context of the local church …

Living Out the True Woman Message | True Woman '10 Chattanooga | Events

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What does it look like to live out the True Woman message day by day? Get wise counsel on implementing God's truth in your home, activities, and relationships.

Pre-Event: Leading Women in the Local Church | True Woman '14 | Events

If God is calling you to initiate or grow the women’s ministry in your local church, here's a special opportunity to glean wisdom from three seasoned leaders.

Message 6: The Truth About Priorities | True Woman '18 | Events

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Betsy Gomez shares how it is possible for your distracted heart to find peace and rest in Jesus.

Teaching the Word in Fear and Fearlessness | Revive '15 | Events

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Are you called to teach God's Word to women? Jen Wilkin shows you why you need a healthy fear and a fearlessness as you take on this awesome responsibility.