
271 Results

Food, Beauty, and Control: Three Snares Women Face | True Woman '10 Fort Worth | Events

Bob Lepine will help women examine 3 areas of life that are potential pitfalls. He'll look at what the Bible says and how to avoid temptation.

Ditch the Baggage: Marks of Genuine Repentance | Revive '19 | Events

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Mary Kassian shows us that the God-given way to deal with unauthorized “baggage” is through repentance.

Keeping Your Marriage Vows | True Woman '10 Indianapolis | Events

This workshop will help deepen your commitment to your vows, provide practical wisdom for strengthening your marriage.

Keeping Your Marriage Vows | True Woman '10 Fort Worth | Events

Deepen your commitment to your marriage vows, provide practical wisdom for strengthening your marriage and safeguarding it against the attacks of the enemy.

A Resolve to Believe | True Woman '08 | Events

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Karen Loritts had an unexpected crisis of fear. She describes how it affected her spiritually, emotionally, and physically.