
271 Results

An Encounter with Jesus | True Woman '14 | Events

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Who was Mary Magdalene? The popular picture of her is influenced by a lot of conjecture and legend. Janet Parshall helps us accurately get to know her.

Portrait of Friendship | True Woman '08 | Events

God created women with the unique yearning to develop and nurture relationships. Explore some of the key ingredients of friendships that last.

Message 8: A "Sophron" State of Mind | Revive '17 | Events

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Do you want more self-control? If so, Mary says we need to deal with the beliefs behind our behavior.

Discernment and Hope in End-of-Life Dilemmas | True Woman '22 | Events

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This session explores the biblical principles behind end-of-life issues, with emphasis on our hope in Christ even in the face of death.

Don't Be a Wimp: Kicking the Habits That Make Women Weak | True Woman '14 | Events

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The apostle Paul gives a warning to the danger facing weak-willed women. Mary Kassian looks to Scripture to explore seven characteristics of weak women.

A True Woman Learns to Trust | True Woman '10 Indianapolis | Events

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What circumstances threaten your trust? Learn to develop a deeper level of trust for the most difficult issues you face.

Amazed by His Wonder (Spoken Word Poetry) | True Woman '14 | Events

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Are you amazed by His wonder? Jesus, Son of God and Son of man, Lamb of God and Lion of Judah. If not, this spoken word poem by Blair Linne will help!

Panel 1: Gender Issues and Sexual Abuse | True Woman '18 | Events

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Is freedom from sin possible in a society infatuated with sexuality? Hear why it’s time to return to the Word of God to find the truth that sets us free.

Message 2: The Truth About God | True Woman '18 | Events

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In the middle of a storm, it can be difficult to focus on the truth. Mary Kassian will show you how to orient yourself on the truth.