
341 Results

Message 4: Grow Up & Step Up | Revive '17 | Events

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What does older women training younger women have to do with creation, the fall, redemption, and transformation? Everything, says Susan.

Women's Global Issues: Challenges for Women in Developing Nations | True Woman '10 Indianapolis | Events

Be informed about women's issues internationally and how you can get involved, from intercessory prayer to participating in ministries in these areas.

Message 8: A "Sophron" State of Mind | Revive '17 | Events

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Do you want more self-control? If so, Mary says we need to deal with the beliefs behind our behavior.

Philosophy of Women's Ministry in the Church | Revive '11 | Events

Women's ministries are often task/personality/event-driven. We must be intentional in crafting ministries that are Word-driven.

Message 13: Life-Givers in Training | Revive '17 | Events

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This mom of ten offers an inspiring message from Psalm 127 reminding us that children are valuable assets and delightful gifts from God.

Message 9: Passionate About Purity | Revive '17 | Events

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Are you struggling to be pure? Dannah reminds us that we can’t be pure on our own . . . but Jesus can purify us.

Message 11: Need Help Lovin' That Man | Revive '17 | Events

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Dannah’s transparent story will encourage you to go deeper in your love for your husband.

Message 2: Doctrine, You, and Titus 2 | Revive '17 | Events

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We all have a doctrine. But is it healthy? Consider your own against the backdrop of Titus 2:1. After all, it’s right thinking that leads to right living.

Message 14: Instruments of Grace | Revive '17 | Events

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Do you consider kindness wimpy . . . or powerful enough to move mountains? Learn about the surprising power of kindness.