
358 Results

Free at Last! | True Woman '12 | Events

Why do many believers live in perpetual bondage to guilt and shame, especially in relation to their past? The truth really can set us free.

Bonus: Grace for the Wandering Heart | Revive '19 | Events

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Jennifer Smith found herself in the trenches of bitterness, abuse, and addictions, leading to nearly twelve years in prison.

The Mighty Influence of a Praying Mom: Rhonwyn Kendrick’s Story (Video) | True Woman '16 | Events

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We may never fully know or see the lasting impact upon future generations of a mom who values fervent prayer and who loves the Father to whom she prays!

Message 14 (Drama): The Good Part | Revive '17 | Events

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Getting a meal ready for the Master would have been no easy task. But what was more important? A perfect platter of figs or listening to Him? Don’t miss out on the good part.

Vicki’s Gnawing Emptiness (Profile Video) | True Woman '14 | Events

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Vicki had always thought that being rich and famous would bring happiness and fulfillment. But after all those things had happened, she was still empty.