
341 Results

Staying Grounded | Revive '21 | Events

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Many people take supplements as part of a healthy lifestyle. Did you know the Bible talks about spiritual supplements?

Grace: Apply Liberally! | Revive '19 | Events

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If you were dying of thirst, would you rather drink from a tiny Dixie cup or from an unlimited stream of pure water?

Called to Lead? | Revive '13 | Events

Do you struggle with knowing what is the best investment of your time and energy as you lead and serve the women in your church?

O God Our Help | Revive '13 | Events

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Nancy shows women how to be instruments of God's grace by laying a foundation for understanding God as our Helper.

God's Plan for Your Relationships | Revive '13 | Events

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Paul David Tripp explains how people of grace who have been given grace will be driven to the throne of grace in order to carry that grace to others.

Jesus Adored | Revive '19 | Events

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A lot of us equate “worship” with “singing.” But the gospel of John tells us about a woman who worshipped Jesus through an extravagant gift.

Help for Hurting Marriages | Revive '13 | Events

How can we walk alongside women who are afraid they don’t have what it takes to sustain a lifelong romance with the man they promised God they would love?

Grounded in the Presence of God | Revive '21 | Events

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We all cling to someone or something. Kim Cash Tate shows us the only One truly worth clinging to, as we are “Grounded in the Presence of God.”