
358 Results

Grounded in Christ | Revive '21 | Events

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We might say Christ is important to us, but how does that truth affect our lives on a daily basis? Nancy points us to Christ.

Telling the Truth as a True Woman to a World That Rejects Truth | True Woman '14 | Events

How do you learn to discern what is true, and how do you share that truth wisely and winsomely in your own sphere of influence?

Revive '15

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Messages from Revive '15: Women Teaching Women

Preparing for Prayer (Video) | True Woman '16 | Events

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Use this 10-min. collection of quotes focused on prayer to prepare your heart to cry out to God on behalf of our homes, families, churches, nations, and world.

Atesorando a Cristo en lo ordinario (Treasuring Christ in the Mundane – Spanish) | True Woman '22 | Events

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En este taller aprenderás a contemplar el valor incomparable de Cristo y descubrirás maneras prácticas de hacer de tu vida una ofrenda de adoración a Él.

Session 3 Drama: Life Based on Instagram | True Woman '18 | Events

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Does scrolling through your Instagram feed leave you feeling dissatisfied and insecure? Maybe it’s time to let truth shape the way you view life.

Session 1 Drama: Deceived | True Woman '18 | Events

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When you’re racked with guilt and shame over your sin, it taints your view of God, yourself, and others. But in Jesus there is forgiveness.