
358 Results

A Powerful Vision for Praying Women (Video) | True Woman '16 | Events

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Vonette Bright, co-founder of Cru and a spiritual mother to Nancy, believed in the power of prayer and the unique influence of women.

The Pattern of Prayer | True Woman '16 | Events

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Janet Parshall walks through the pattern of prayer laid out in Luke chapter 18. Learn about consistent, insistent, and persistent prayer.

Where Are the Wailing Women? (Spoken Word Poetry) | True Woman '16 | Events

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Call for the wailing women to come and cry out—women who love Jesus more than their temptation toward indifference.

Message 12 (Drama): Submit or Resist | Revive '17 | Events

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What does it mean to submit? Is it letting your husband lead, no matter what? Get a small peek into how the whole submission thing might work . . . or not.

Message 7 (Drama): Healing Indulgent Excess | Revive '17 | Events

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Be encouraged through one woman’s story of healing to lean in to Jesus, the source of power we have to overcome anything.

Message 8 (Drama): Pretty Okay Café | Revive '17 | Events

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Ever said something in anger that you regret? We’ve all been there. We just don’t want to live there.

Message 9 (Drama): Purity | Revive '17 | Events

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Moving away from a pure lifestyle generally isn’t a one-moment decision. It’s often a slippery slope, filled with rationalization and justification.

True Woman Manifesto (Manifesto Video) | True Woman '12 | Events

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The True Woman Manifesto was developed to be a concise statement of core aspects of what it means to be a true woman of God.