
271 Results

Marks of an Anointed Ministry | Revive '15 | Events

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Teaching God's Word isn't just about conveying information. Nancy shows you why it's important to ask God to transform hearts through your ministry.

The Spiritual State of the Union | True Woman '12 | Events

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Janet Parshall offers a spiritual state of the union. She looks at trends, attitudes and indicators that shows why our need to seek the Lord is so desperate.

The King Still Has One More Move | True Woman '22 | Events

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With every advance across the chess board Satan declares, “Check mate!” But King Jesus still has one more move . . . and it’s the only one that counts.

Jesus, What a Wonderful Name! (Recitation) | True Woman '14 | Events

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Get a fresh sense of wonder at who Jesus is. Nancy Leigh DeMoss weaves together Scripture about Jesus from the psalms, prophets, gospels, and epistles.

Heaven Rules: What Difference Does It Make? | True Woman '22 | Events

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Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth looks at five snapshots from the book of Daniel through the lens of “Heaven rules.”

Finding Truth in the Marketplace of Ideas | True Woman '08 | Events

Identify those bad ideas that are taking women captive and to assist you in learning how to know, seek, and love real truth.

The Stakes Are Higher than You Think | True Woman '10 Indianapolis | Events

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Prepare to be deeply moved as Joni Eareckson Tada paints a picture of the unseen world and all that is at stake in the throes of your suffering.

Women's Global Issues: Challenges for Women in Developing Nations | True Woman '10 Indianapolis | Events

Be informed about women's issues internationally and how you can get involved, from intercessory prayer to participating in ministries in these areas.