
271 Results

Grounded in Community | Revive '21 | Events

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Dannah Gresh highlights four qualities of the church in Acts 2, reminding us that we desperately need to be grounded in community.

Turning the Tide | True Woman '08 | Events

Discover what could happen if you began to view the call to mothering through the lens of God's perspective.

Grounded in All Seasons | Revive '21 | Events

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Flourishing means becoming more like Jesus. Hear how we can glorify God and enjoy Him forever in all seasons of life.

Thriving in a Hostile Culture | True Woman '12 | Events

Janet will take you into God's Word to discover how aliens, living in a pagan culture, learned not just to survive, but to THRIVE.

Preparing to Cry Out | True Woman '16 | Events

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Stephen Kendrick walks them through the 7 evidences of true salvation in the book of 1 John and asks the question, “Do you know Jesus, and does He know you?”

Cultivating Contentment | True Woman '22 | Events

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Understand the meaning of contentment, the snares that keep us from joy, and how to cultivate contentment within our hearts.

Judgment and Hope—A Message for Our Time | True Woman '16 | Events

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Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth opens True Woman '16 with a sobering message out of the book of Jeremiah. Get godly perspective in the midst of chaos.

A True Woman Joins the Battle | True Woman '10 Indianapolis | Events

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Does fear hold you back from all God wants to do through you? The example of Deborah will encourage you to bravely be God's true woman in our day.

Heaven Rules over Earthly Kingdoms | True Woman '22 | Events

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Mary Kassian says that regardless of what happens in the political landscape, we can be confident in the course of history . . . this world is not our home.