
358 Results

The Fast That God Requires | True Woman '14 | Events

You can go through the motions of what you think God requires, but does your obedience flow out of a heart changed by the gospel?

Strengthening Your Faith | Revive '11 | Events

Pastor Crawford Loritts shares seven keys to strengthening your faith—both as a believer and a leader in ministry.

Message 11 (Drama): 'Til Death Do Us Part | Revive '17 | Events

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What do you see as you look back over your marriage? How did you do in the ups and downs, the good and the bad? Are you loving each other well?

Jesus, What a Wonderful Name! (Recitation) | True Woman '14 | Events

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Get a fresh sense of wonder at who Jesus is. Nancy Leigh DeMoss weaves together Scripture about Jesus from the psalms, prophets, gospels, and epistles.

A True Woman Chooses Wisdom | True Woman '10 Indianapolis | Events

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Would you be most accurately described as a wild woman or as a wise woman? Learn how to display godly wisdom in a world gone wild.

A True Woman Chooses Wisdom | True Woman '10 Fort Worth | Events

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Would you be most accurately described as a wild woman or as a wise woman? Mary Kassian takes you to Proverbs chapter 7 to contrast wildness and wisdom.

The Power of a True Woman's Fierce Beauty | True Woman '14 | Events

Kim will explain the root issues behind a woman's destructive fierceness, and provide practical help to live as a beautifully fierce woman–single or married.

Holly’s Life . . . Eight Kids Later (Profile Video) | True Woman '10 Chattanooga | Events

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If you'd asked 20 YO Holly Elliff what she was going to do with her life, her answer would've been quite different than the way her life actually turned out.

The King Still Has One More Move | True Woman '22 | Events

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With every advance across the chess board Satan declares, “Check mate!” But King Jesus still has one more move . . . and it’s the only one that counts.