
321 Results

Teaching the Word with a Deeper Knowledge of Him | Revive '15 | Events

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To teach others, you need to have an intimate, growing knowledge of God through His Word. Jen Wilkin offers many practical ways to teach more effectively.

The Steadfast Love of the Lord | True Woman '14 | Events

Be reminded of the Lord's covenant-making, covenant-keeping character—especially in the midst of hard times.

Portrait of Friendship | True Woman '08 | Events

God created women with the unique yearning to develop and nurture relationships. Explore some of the key ingredients of friendships that last.

Women Helping Women In the Church | Revive '13 | Events

Susan has decades of experience in local church women's ministry. She will address a variety of issues from what a culture of caring in the church looks like.

Practical Tools for Studying and Teaching the Word | Revive '15 | Events

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What should characterize our Bible study? What kind of tools do we need? Jen Wilkin lays out helpful tools and practices to guide us as we dig into God's Word.

Radical Womanhood | True Woman '08 | Events

Carolyn explains her personal journey from feminism to faith and offers practical encouragement to women making the same journey.

An Ongoing Call to Seek Him Together | True Woman '12 | Events

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But how do you continue to fervently seek the Lord when you wake up tired on a typical morning?

The Woman at the Well | True Woman '12 | Events

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Deep down, everyone is thirsty. People try to quench the thirst in all kinds of ways. Janet Parshall tells of a woman whose thirst was truly satisfied.

True Woman '14

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True Woman '14 is a call for women to come together and find freedom, fullness, and fruitfulness in Christ.