
358 Results

A True Woman Learns to Trust | True Woman '10 Indianapolis | Events

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What circumstances threaten your trust? Learn to develop a deeper level of trust for the most difficult issues you face.

Living from the Bottom of the Barrel | True Woman '16 | Events

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We often lose perspective when encountering difficulties. Mary Kassian shows that when we reach the bottom, God often pours out His most precious blessings.

You've Come a Long Way, Baby! | True Woman '08 | Events

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Mary Kassian explores how the philosophy of feminism developed and was integrated into our culture. She shares what true womanhood is all about.

Message 14: Instruments of Grace | Revive '17 | Events

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Do you consider kindness wimpy . . . or powerful enough to move mountains? Learn about the surprising power of kindness.

Women Helping Women | Revive '13 | Events

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Women are hurting. They long for older women to get involved in their lives, to listen, to care and to share advice. Are you willing to get involved?

Grounded in God's Word | Revive '21 | Events

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Chris Brooks takes us to the parable of the sower and the soils to help us take a closer look at how receptive we are to God's Word.

Finishing Strong | True Woman '14 | Events

Susan Hunt explores God’s Word to help us gain a biblical perspective of the privileges, opportunities, and responsibilities of old age.