
271 Results

Grounded in God's Word | Revive '21 | Events

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Chris Brooks takes us to the parable of the sower and the soils to help us take a closer look at how receptive we are to God's Word.

The Resolve of a Spirit-Filled Teacher | Revive '15 | Events

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Hear how the Holy Spirit will lead a teacher to use discernment, to maximize time and to communicate with genuine power.

Your Gender and Sexuality Tell a Story | True Woman '22 | Events

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It’s true. God designed you as a man or a woman. But have you ever thought about how your design fits into the story of the gospel?

Fierce Women | True Woman '12 | Events

Kim shares how God helped her rescued her and her marriage from what she calls the "fierce women/fearful men" cycle.

Help for Hurting Parents | True Woman '22 | Events

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Discover how you can reach your prodigal and what God has for you in the valley of waiting.

True Woman '14

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True Woman '14 is a call for women to come together and find freedom, fullness, and fruitfulness in Christ.

The Powerful Influence of a Godly Woman | True Woman '10 Fort Worth | Events

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Kay Arthur will open your eyes to the great influence you possess and challenge you to use it to build God's kingdom in our day.

God's Plan for Your Relationships | Revive '13 | Events

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Paul David Tripp explains how people of grace who have been given grace will be driven to the throne of grace in order to carry that grace to others.