Laura Perry Smalts

Laura Perry Smalts

Laura Perry Smalts is an author and speaker who shares her story of how Jesus Christ rescued her from a transgender identity. She also speaks and teaches on a variety of topics related to transgenderism and God’s design of human beings as male and female. She has had the privilege to tell her story on a variety of platforms including radio, video, TV, and more including the documentary In His Image and to teach at conferences, schools, and churches. Her story is available in her autobiography, Transgender to Transformed. She and her husband, Perry, now run a ministry called Eden’s Redemption which aims to teach and equip people to understand gender and sexuality from a biblical perspective.

Sessions with Laura Perry Smalts

October 9, 2021

  1. Transgender to Transformed: Laura Perry’s Testimony

    Transgender to Transformed: Laura Perry’s Testimony

    Laura Perry Smalts

    Laura Perry lived as a transgender man for a decade before a radical encounter with God’s grace that led to her surrendering to Christ’s authority.

  2. Grounded Panel Discussion

    Grounded Panel Discussion

    Erin Davis, Mary Kassian, Dannah Gresh, Laura Perry Smalts

    Digging deeper into issues of sexuality.

September 22, 2022

  1. We All Have a Story

    We All Have a Story

    Dannah Gresh, Rosaria Butterfield, Laura Perry Smalts

    The essence of your identity isn’t determined by what’s in your past. It has to do with your new nature, given to you when you turned from sin to Jesus.

September 23, 2022

  1. The Joy of Embracing Biblical Womanhood

    The Joy of Embracing Biblical Womanhood

    Laura Perry Smalts

    Discover the purpose for which God made us women, the awesome beauty of His design, and the joy you can discover when you fully embrace how He created you.

  2. Help for Hurting Parents

    Help for Hurting Parents

    Laura Perry Smalts

    Discover how you can reach your prodigal and what God has for you in the valley of waiting.