Girls Gone Wild

Oct. 10, 2008 Mary Kassian speaking at Girls Gone Wild

Included are 21 biblical traits and corresponding set of questions that evaluate whether our personal behavior and ideas are in line with what God deems beautiful or more in line with what He deems beastly.

Running Time: 75 minutes


Mary Kassian: Now most of you would have heard about the Girls Gone Wild phenomenon—right? The buses that go around the country to various places, various beaches, particularly when there is Spring break, and for the price of a tee-shirt, the young women are asked to do all sorts of things. Say, “If I give you a tee-shirt, would you bare your breasts for me?” And these women do it, and they do things that are a lot more vulgar and crude even.


I remember the time when such things would be just shameful, and you wouldn’t even think of it. That would be even a disgusting thing to ask of a woman, but times have changed, and women have changed, and the girls have gone wild.


Have you noticed how aggressive the girls have gotten—for you women who are a little bit older? For you women who are younger, …

About the Speaker

Mary Kassian

Mary Kassian

Mary Kassian is an award-winning author, an internationally renowned speaker, and a frequent guest on Revive Our Hearts. She has written more than a dozen books and Bible studies including Conversation Peace and The Right Kind of Strong. Mary and her husband, Brent, have three grown sons and make their home in Alberta, Canada.