Becoming a Woman of Greater Faith

Whether single or married, what does a life of faith look like practically? How can you live in such a way as to help others, including your children, grow in faith? In this "hands on" seminar, you will not only study the subject, you will learn inductive study skills that will help you become a woman of unshakable faith.


Kay Arthur: When you study the Word of God inductively, you remove the middle man. You learn to go to the Word of God yourself and discover what He is saying. To do that, you basically use three skills.

The first skill is the skill of observation. Observation is asking the question: What does it say?

Now, I’ve taught this all over the world, so I’ve learned to use body language. I use body language because when you’re working through five different translators at a time, it takes a little while.

Observation is like this: Putting your hands up like they’re your eyeballs. Observation is looking at the Word of God. I usually draw eyeballs coming out of the head. Observation: What does it say? Now, if had more time, I’d make you do it because then you would remember it.

I was teaching in Japan, and this woman wanted …

About the Speaker

Kay Arthur

Kay Arthur

God has used Kay Arthur to reach millions of households through TV, radio, speaking, and the more than 100 books and Bible study workbooks she has written. Kay and her husband, Jack (who is now with Jesus), founded the Precept™ Bible Study Method together in 1970. As a member of Precept’s board of directors and a ministry ambassador, Kay continues to travel, teach, and write to the glory of God.