Why Such Grace?

Are you filled with questions of why over your difficult (and seemingly unfair) circumstances? As Jennifer Rothschild candidly shares about her physical blindness, you'll get a new perspective on the trials in your life; and will find amazing, overflowing grace at the foot of the cross.

Running Time: 43 minutes


Bob Lepine: We will walk by faith and not by sight.

In 1975 there was an English singer-songwriter who wrote a song that was a popular song for a while in the states. The first verse says, “A friend of mine is going blind and through the dimness he sees so much better than I.”

The Bible has a lot to say about blindness. It talks about the reality of physical blindness, which is a hardship. It talks about the reality of spiritual blindness, which is a calamity and is devastating.

I thought about that the first time I saw Jennifer Rothschild’s book Lessons I Learned in the Dark: Steps to Walking by Faith not by Sight. When Jennifer was twelve, she began to experience eye problems, and by the time she was fifteen, as she was trying to get her driver’s license, she realized that she was losing …

About the Speaker

Jennifer Rothschild

Jennifer Rothschild

Jennifer Rothschild's life drastically changed at the age of fifteen when she lost her sight; now, more than thirty-five years later, she boldly and compassionately teaches women how to walk by faith, not sight. Jennifer has shared her inspiring message at conferences like True Woman and Women of Faith, and she hosts the 4:13 Podcast and has authored nineteen books and Bible studies. A boy mom who enjoys strong coffee and good books, she lives in Missouri with her husband, her very own Dr. Phil!