Women's Global Issues: Challenges for Women in Developing Nations

This seminar looks at the health and economic challenges women in the developing world face—including sex trafficking, maternal health, fistulas, genital cutting, and more. You'll leave better informed about women's issues internationally and how you can get involved, from intercessory prayer to participating in ministries in these areas.

Running Time: 120 minutes


Carolyn McCulley: My name is Carolyn McCulley, and this afternoon’s message is called Women’s Global Issues: Challenges for Women in Developing Nations.

Now you all are going to be guinea pigs with me. This is the first time I’ve given this message, and as much as I adored Show and Tell when I was in kindergarten, I’ve never incorporated Show and Tell into any of my messages before. Though I am professionally a film maker, I have studiously avoided using Power Point while I speak because it’s kind of like chewing gum and walking. I can only do one thing at a time. (Laughter)

So if you want me to stand on the platform, not fall off, and talk, that’s all I’m going to do. But today we’re going to zoom right past that and we’re going to not only just use projection equipment, we’re going to look at about …

About the Speaker

Carolyn McCulley

Carolyn McCulley

Carolyn McCulley is the author of three books and a conference speaker. She is also the founder of Citygate Films, where she works as a documentary director and editor.