Food, Beauty, and Control: Three Snares Women Face

FamilyLife Today co-host Bob Lepine will help women examine three areas of life that are potential pitfalls. He'll look at what the Bible says about all three areas and provide counsel on how to avoid temptation and sin in each area.


Bob Lepine: Here’s what I want us to do this afternoon: I want us to spend some time thinking about a subject that I want us to think through together. I’ll tell you a little bit about what prompted my interest in this particular topic, and then I’ll tell you why I think it’s important that we boldly go where no man I know has ever gone before. Okay?

Here’s what I want us to think through together in this time: I want us to think about three areas that, through my observation and through my interaction with women, I have found these three areas can be a particular trap or a particular snare in the lives of women. The three areas we’re going to talk about are food, beauty, and control.

Now, let me quickly say that men can have traps in these areas as well. I’m not suggesting …

About the Speaker

Bob Lepine

Bob Lepine

Bob Lepine is known by radio and podcast listeners as the cohost of FamilyLife Today®️, FamilyLife's nationally syndicated radio program. Bob has played a key role in the ministry of Revive Our Hearts since the beginning and serves as the Chairman of the Board. He is the author of Love Like You Mean It: The Heart of a Marriage That Honors God (2020) and The Christian Husband (1999). Bob is also the on-air announcer for Truth for Life with Alistair Begg. Additionally, Bob serves on the board of directors for National Religious Broadcasters. Since 2008 Bob has served as an elder and teaching pastor at Redeemer Community Church in Little Rock, Arkansas. Bob and his wife, Mary Ann, have five children and ten grandchildren.