
A Battle Plan for Moral Purity

It's hard raising children in a culture that promotes messages that are so contrary to God's way of thinking. So, how do we as moms, grandmothers, and mentors sow seeds of purity into young hearts? Discover biblical truths and practical tools, and hear inspiring testimonies that will equip you to proactively lead your child (ages 0-13) toward a future of courageous faith and purity.

Running Time: 75 minutes


Susan Henson: I’m Susan Henson. I am with Revive Our Hearts ministries. And I am so excited that you are here because our kids are the ones who are on our hearts, and there’s a great weight and burden, especially in raising our children in today’s culture.
I am so excited that you have chosen this particular workshop, because we are in great need in reaching our children. It’s hard parenting our children in today’s culture when they are being bombarded with negative influences from the world from every direction.
Our goal today is how do we as moms and grandmoms and teachers and aunts—wherever God has planted with the children in your life—how do we plant those seeds of purity into our children’s lives?
And I want to say to you that we do not have to live and raise our children at the mercy of our culture. Amen? …

About the Speaker

Susan Henson

Susan Henson

Susan Henson is the founder of Pure In Heart Ministries, and she is the co-author of Life Lessons from the Princess and the Kiss and Life Lessons from the Squire and the Scroll, interactive devotional guides that help parents plant seeds of purity in the hearts of their tweens. Susan and her husband, Al, are the parents of three grown children and the grandparents of seven.