Advancing a Culture of Prayer in Your Church

Sept. 21, 2012 Daniel Henderson speaking at Advancing a Culture of Prayer in Your Church

This session will address the differences between a prayer program and a prayer culture. We'll focus on the role every woman can fulfill in advancing a prayer culture, supporting the leadership in the church, and engaging in effective prayer.


Father, oh we long to continue to seek Your face, to know You, to experience Your glory, and then to see Your glory manifested in our homes and in our churches and across our nation and world. So, Lord, there's a lot of stake as we talk about this subject today in developing cultures of prayer. I pray that each and every one of these women, and men as well, will be encouraged about their role in terms of what they can do to make a difference for the sake of the gospel as Your Church becomes a house of prayer for all nations. And we pray this because of Christ and in His name. Amen.

I want to begin with a confession, very briefly, and this may help you. I'm not a natural prayer guy. You say, "What? Man, we watch you up there, leading prayer, blah, blah, blah." …


About the Speaker

Daniel Henderson

Daniel Henderson

Daniel Henderson is the President of Strategic Renewal, a ministry dedicated to helping congregations across the country and the world experience renewal. He frequently leads corporate prayer gatherings and has authored numerous books on prayer and biblical leadership. Daniel also serves on the Board of Directors for the National Association of Evangelicals, and is the founding leader of The 6:4 Fellowship, a coalition of pastors committed to prayer and the ministry of the Word (taken from Acts 6:4).