
Free at Last!

God's Word promises that the truth will set us free. So why do many believers live in perpetual bondage to guilt and shame, especially in relation to their past? Andrea will share from Scripture and out of her personal journey, how the truth really can set us free from every emotional and spiritual chain.


(opens in prayer) Father God, You are so good to us! Lord, like we just heard in the last session with Janet [Parshall], You are the One who is always seeking us. God, it's not that we have been seeking You, but in Your mercy You come and seek us and You find us, and You have real answers for our fumbles, for our mistakes, for our serious sin.

God, today, if there are some women in this room who are looking for some answers—"Where do you go from here? How do you deal with it?"—I pray that You would get very real and personal with them. God, I pray that You would meet with them face-to-face. Lord, I pray that Your voice would be the loudest voice that is heard in this room today.

God, don't let us leave here the same, but let us leave here changed. It's …

About the Speaker

Andrea Griffith

Andrea Griffith

Andrea Griffith is speaker and writer with FamilyLife. Prior to that, she was a pastor’s wife and conference speaker for Life Action Ministries. She has ministered to women in hundreds of local churches and spoken at national conferences where she shares her unique story of God’s amazing grace at work in her life. She and her husband, Trent, have four adult children and live near Orlando, Florida.