Thriving in a Hostile Culture

Ever feel like you are from another planet as you hear the roar from the culture? Do you feel like a stranger in a strange land? Do you sometimes feel like just pulling the covers over your head and shouting, "Wake me when it's over"? Janet will take you into God's Word to discover how aliens, living in a pagan culture, learned not just to survive, but to THRIVE—and how you can thrive in the culture where God has placed us.


Janet Parshall: So we'll just ask the Lord to give us a real spirit of refreshment as we go through this afternoon. I would like to start with prayer, if we could.

Our gracious heavenly Father, we thank You so much for the fellowship that we've had, for the friendships that we're making. But most importantly Father, we thank You for Your Word and we get to open it up and learn more about You, our great and glorious King. Father, we thank You. We're also very aware that coming to a conference like this is a time-out from real life. We left it. It will be waiting for us. And yet You are a great believer in time-out. There were times when Jesus went up to Bethany just to have a time-out. You took Elijah by Cherith Brook and You fed him there so he could have a time-out. …


About the Speaker

Janet Parshall

Janet Parshall

Janet Parshall is a nationally syndicated radio talk show host of In the Market with Janet Parshall, which addresses relevant issues important to Christians. She has received much recognition for her work, including the 2008 National Religious Broadcaster's On-Air Personality of the Year award. Janet and her husband, Craig, have co-authored several books.