Daddy's Little Girl

Is your biological father spiritually, emotionally, or physically absent? In this workshop you will see how sin has negatively affected many women's relationships with their biological fathers. You'll also explore how the gospel is able to heal and restore you as you embrace your new identity as an adopted daughter of God. Come be reminded that you are your Heavenly Daddy's little girl, and be encouraged to rest in His love.


Woman: Hey, Father, thank You so much. Thank You for this time that we can come apart. Lord, I pray that You would quiet our hearts. I pray that we would hear that which Your Holy Spirit desires for us to hear today. Thank You for Blair. Thank You for the ways that You have worked in her life. Thank You for the story of redemption that You have woven through every detail of her life.

Father, I pray that Your Holy Spirit would guide and direct in a very clear and tangible way this afternoon. That she would hear Your voice and that You would give her the freedom to share that which You have laid upon her heart. We pray it in the name of Jesus and for His glory alone, amen.

Blair Linne: Amen. Thank you. Praise God. Well, hello, ladies. Thank you so much for coming. …

About the Speaker

Blair Linne

Blair Linne

Blair is an actress, speaker, author, and Christian spoken word artist who has toured globally and is known as one of the originators of the Christian Spoken Word genre. She has been featured in numerous theater productions, commercials, and television shows, and has written poetry for many events and organizations, including True Woman conferences. Proclaiming the gospel of Jesus Christ through Bible study, speaking, and spoken word is her passion. Blair Linne lives in Philadelphia with her husband, Shai, and their three children.