Embracing the Diversity around You

The family of God is colorful, but so often we cling to those who are like us. Do you know your neighbors who aren't like you? This is just one of the many ways you can fulfill the commandment to love your neighbor as yourself. Come be encouraged to get to know and love those who are not like you, so you can reflect the beauty of the gospel that is for all people and nations.


Well, Lord, I am honored to be here, honored to speak about You, Lord. You are the Creator God, an amazing, magnificent Creator God, and that we would be made in Your image is amazing and outstanding and there are no words. And so Lord, I just pray that today You would give us new eyes to see what You have made and how You have made it good. Give us new desires for sisterhood, that we would see each other as sisters in Christ; that we would love one another in new ways, God. Give us a new vision for Your kingdom and how it's been made, Lord. It's amazing! So God, I am excited. I'm excited about today. Thank You for these women who've traveled to come and hear from these speakers. God, thank You for them. I pray that You would bless them and bless this time. …

About the Speaker

Trillia Newbell

Trillia Newbell

Trillia Newbell is the Acquistions Director for Moody Publishers and the author of several books, including If God Is for Us and Fear and Faith: Finding the Peace Your Heart Craves. She and her husband, Thern, make their home near Nashville, Tennessee, with their two children.