God's Faithfulness in Times of Trouble

Nancy Leigh DeMoss unpacks Psalm 107, giving hope to anyone in distress, danger or despondency. She'll help you seek the Lord and be satisfied in Him even during times of trouble.

Running Time: 70 minutes


Nancy Leigh DeMoss: Let me invite you to open your Bible, or click on your Bible, and to turn to Psalm 107. In the Old Testament they had idols. Today we have iPads, iPhones, other such things. Don't let it be an idol.

We've been talking this weekend about freedom and fullness and fruitfulness in Christ. And that's a great slogan. It's a great theme to rally around. We hear that and we say, "Yes, I want freedom! Yes, I want fullness. Yes, I want fruitfulness. I know it's in Christ."

But I wonder if any of you have maybe had a thought like this, "You know, that's a nice thought, and it's nice for all those speakers who live in a different plane than I live in. It's nice for the women sitting around me. But can I really experience freedom and fullness and fruitfulness in Christ? Can that …


Scripture References

  • Psalms 107:1-43

About the Speaker

Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth

Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth

Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth has touched the lives of millions of women through two nationally syndicated radio programs heard each day—Revive Our Hearts and Seeking Him. Her books have sold more than five million copies. Through her writing, podcasts, and events, Nancy is reaching the hearts of women around the world, calling them to freedom, fullness, and fruitfulness in Christ.