Hope and Freedom from the Stranglehold of Despondency

How do you find joy in the Lord when your feelings just don't match? I've had seasons of despondency like so many others have experienced. Jesus sympathizes with us, and like with all things provides a way of escape. Together we'll explore the Scriptures to find the freedom from our emotions and fullness of joy found in Christ.


I want to go ahead and tell you something real quick. I am unfortunately a little sick. And I got up this morning and I thought, Okay, Lord, talking about relying on You in despondency? I get it.

So today, I am not despondent, but I am relying on the Lord. So if I start sneezing or coughing, that is why. I have a little cold.

And I'm glad that Lindsey, in her prayer, she ended it by encouraging you guys that it's not taboo. So I want to start there. I'm going to say that again. But I want to start there just so you can go ahead and prepare your heart.

If you are in here and you resonate with what I'm about to share. . . I'm about to give some descriptions of what it might look like to be despondent or depressed, which I'm going to …

About the Speaker

Trillia Newbell

Trillia Newbell

Trillia Newbell is the Acquistions Director for Moody Publishers and the author of several books, including If God Is for Us and Fear and Faith: Finding the Peace Your Heart Craves. She and her husband, Thern, make their home near Nashville, Tennessee, with their two children.