Pre-Event: Leading Women in the Local Church

It's such a high and holy privilege to lead and equip women! If God is calling you to initiate or grow the women’s ministry in your local church, here's a special opportunity to glean wisdom from three seasoned leaders who have faithfully served in ministry.


Leslie Bennett: My name is Leslie Bennett; I am the Southeast Regional Ambassador for Revive Our Hearts-as of about four months ago. [laughter] So if I ever look like, "Aaah, I don't know what I'm doing!" it's true, I don't know what I'm doing. But oh, do I have a heart for women's ministry! Because I was a women's ministry leader for twelve years at Northeast Presbyterian Church in Columbia, South Carolina.

I have brought two other women with me today who I consider two women whom I would look to for counsel. They have such experience and wisdom! Of course, Susan wrote the book on women's ministry, we know that, and Linda has a very vibrant and growing women's ministry. These women have such a passion for this, and they're such strong leaders. You will be so blessed by them.

We hope to encourage you. If you're here …