Teen Track #3: Jesus Want You to Change the World


Erin Davis: Get out your Bibles or your Bible devices. If you read your Bible on your phone or your iPad, that’s great. But there ain’t no “Angry Birds” in Romans, okay? We’re going to be in the book of Matthew. (And that’s not on Pinterest, that’s just the book of Matthew.)

Wherever you look at your Bible, look at your Bible for me. I’m a note-taker, so I will be taking notes. Maybe you’re not a note-taker, but it’s always good to have notes. So I’m going to stand in this canoe for the next few minutes and it’s—hopefully—not going to pitch me out on the ground. If it does, we’re just going to act like it didn’t happen, okay? That’s how that’s going to go.

We spent the morning talking on freedom. I don’t know if you are aware, but the theme for this year’s conference is “Freedom, …

About the Speaker

Erin Davis

Erin Davis

Erin Davis is a teacher and author who is passionately committed to getting women to the deep well of God’s Word. She has written more than a dozen books and Bible studies including 7 Feasts, Lies Boys Believe, and Fasting & Feasting. Erin currently serves on the team at Moody Publishers and delights in helping other authors point their readers to Jesus. Erin is no stranger to Revive Our Hearts—hear her teach at ReviveOurHearts.com. She is grateful to be Jason’s wife and Eli, Noble, Judah, and Ezra’s proud momma.