Your Time in God's Treasures—Cultivating a Meaningful Devotional Life

Do you struggle with how to develop intimacy with Christ in your busy life? If so, come learn what tools you can use to seek God’s wisdom the way you would search for hidden treasures. Learn how to meet with God in deep and significant ways and then share His Word with others. Come think through what it means for His words to become the joy and delight of your heart.


Molly Mooberry praying for Jani: What a blessed day this has already been! And we just bow our hearts and our heads before you, Lord, in humility, waiting for Your words, Lord, to come into our hearts. Oh, Lord, we're hungry for Your Word.

I pray for this time, that You would just speak through Jani, God. That You would take her words and that Your Holy Spirit would be here in our midst, and that You would deposit them into the hearts of each woman seated in this room in exactly the way she needs to hear it to be encouraged, to be loved . . .so that we can walk away from here, Lord, more passionate to meet with You, and to have tools of knowing how to better be in Your Word and just in devotion with You, Lord.

We give You this time. We stand on …

About the Speaker

Jani Ortlund

Jani Ortlund

Jani Ortlund is the Executive Vice President of Renewal Ministries. Serving Jesus through writing, speaking, and discipling are her chief passions in life. Jani and her husband Ray, Pastor of Immanuel Church, have four married children and fifteen grandchildren and minister in Nashville, Tennessee.