Living from the Bottom of the Barrel

Perspective is the first thing we lose when we encounter difficult circumstances. Mary Kassian shows through the story of Elijah and the widow of Zarephath that when we reach the bottom, God often pours out His most precious blessings.

Running Time: 47 minutes


Mary Kassian: I don’t know about you, but I have just had a “buzz”—to be here tonight! Have you? I can hardly wait for tomorrow night—to join with women all over the nation, all over the nations, to cry out to God. But I think there’s something the Lord wants to say to you, here, tonight, to prepare for that.

My little prayer card says that I’ll be praying for women in California. Where are the California girls? Are there any of you here? [enthusiastic response] Have you ever heard of Millbrae, California? No? [laughter] Well, there will be a group of women at Chris Lee’s home in Millbrae, California, praying with us tomorrow night.

How about Milpitas? (Is that, like where they make pitas?) Yep, okay—one person. [laughter] That’s good. They will be joining us from Christ Community Church of Milpitas, tomorrow night, crying out to God.

Now, I …

About the Speaker

Mary Kassian

Mary Kassian

In addition to being a frequent contributor on Revive Our Hearts podcasts and at True Woman conferences, Mary Kassian is an award-winning author and internationally renowned speaker. She has written more than a dozen books and Bible studies including True Woman 101 and 201, Conversation Peace, The Right Kind of Strong, and The Right Kind of Confident. Mary and her husband, Brent, have three grown sons and make their home in Alberta, Canada.