Main Sessions
September 27, 2018
Session 1 Drama: Deceived
Acts of Renewal
When you’re racked with guilt and shame over your sin, it taints your view of God, yourself, and others. But in Jesus there is forgiveness.
Message 1: The Power and Beauty of the Truth
Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth
Nancy will show you how to set your mind on the truth and walk in it.
Message 2: The Truth about God
Mary Kassian
In the middle of a storm, it can be difficult to focus on the truth. Mary Kassian will show you how to orient yourself on the truth.
Message 3: The Truth about Ourselves
Jackie Hill Perry
Who are you? Who are you deep down? What is your identity? That question seems simple, but everyone struggles to find a genuine answer.
September 28, 2018
Session 2 Drama: Woman at the Well
Acts of Renewal
Acts of Renewal bring the Bible to life in this extraordinary retelling of the Woman at the Well and Jesus’ love for sinners.
Message 5: The Truth About Sexuality
Jackie Hill Perry
Jackie Hill Perry will show you how to look to God Himself to fulfill all your needs.
Panel 1: Gender Issues and Sexual Abuse
Mary Kassian, Dannah Gresh, Jackie Hill Perry
Is freedom from sin possible in a society infatuated with sexuality? Hear why it’s time to return to the Word of God to find the truth that sets us free.
Session 3 Drama: Life Based on Instagram
Acts of Renewal
Does scrolling through your Instagram feed leave you feeling dissatisfied and insecure? Maybe it’s time to let truth shape the way you view life.
Message 6: The Truth about Priorities
Betsy Gómez
Betsy Gomez shares how it is possible for your distracted heart to find peace and rest in Jesus.
Message 8: The Truth about Children
Robyn McKelvy
It’s easy to assume raising children is all about you as a parent. Robyn McKelvy suggests that God has a plan for parents and children that goes beyond you.
Message 9: Truth about Circumstances
Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth
How do we handle the difficult circumstances we experience in this broken world?
September 29, 2018
Session 5 Drama: Seek Peace and Pursue It
Acts of Renewal
The world has a lot of ideas about what peace is and where to find it. But how well do these ideologies hold up to God’s Word?
Message 10: The Truth about Emotions
Dannah Gresh
Emotions. Are they good? bad? reliable? Can we ever hope to control them? Dannah Gresh will tackle these others questions about our often-unruly emotions.
Message 11: Restored through Brokenness
Eric Mason
We work hard to put on a facade of strength, confidence, and independence. But Pastor Eric Mason suggests that true strength comes from living in God-neediness.
Panel 2: Where to from Here?
Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth, Mary Kassian, Dannah Gresh, Betsy Gómez, Robyn McKelvy
Talking about the truth is one thing. Living it out is another.
Breakout Sessions
September 27, 2018
Firm Foundations in a Gender-Fluid World, Part 1
Mary Kassian, Jackie Hill Perry
What is God’s good plan for sex and sexuality? Why does it matter? How are we to think about these things?
Firm Foundations in a Gender-Fluid World, Part 2
Mary Kassian, Jackie Hill Perry
Our culture is awash in confusion and conflicting viewpoints about sexuality.
Hope When It Hurts
Sarah Walton, Kristen Wetherell
September 28, 2018
Four Evidences of Spiritual Freedom (Teen Session)
Dannah Gresh
Four Evidences of Spiritual Freedom (Teen Session)
The Truth about Relationships (Teen Session)
Betsy Gómez
The Truth About Relationships (Teen Session)